Everyone loves to gripe about the exorbitant fees airlines charge for simple things like checking bags, but after watching this video chronicling the extraordinary journey of one suitcase you might be more understanding of where that money goes.
In what appears to be a convoluted maze of conveyor belt gridlock of the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, a suitcase is pulled off the luggage cart and sent on its way to the baggage carousel. Schiphol is ranked fifth busiest airport in Europe with regard to passenger traffic. With over 150,000 travelers in and out of the single terminal building everyday, luggage considerations become quite a logistical nightmare.
The clever Dutch engineers seems to have solved the issue by using a highly complex series of automated conveyor belts, changeover points and even robotic arms to make sure that no personal items get misplaced. I’m not sure if this makes me more or less confidant that my suitcase will be there to meet at baggage claim, but I am certainly impressed with the infrastructure required to get it there.